5 fundamental tips for getting married at Christmas

13 March 2019
A wedding is one of the most important moments in someone’s life and it’s particularly emotional. Getting married means staying with your partner for all your life and make a new family. Deciding when to get married is not as easy as you think. Everyone thinks about the perfect month and all the problems that can occur. We’ll help you decide what’s best for you.
Getting married at Christmas
If you still have to decide when to get married, consider celebrating in December, during Christmas time. This is the sweetest moment of the year and the atmosphere is fascinating. The city changes, it’s decorated with lights and there’s a warm and cozy mood. December is the month of peace and love, so it’s undoubtedly great for celebrating a wedding.
A unique atmosphere
For anyone who wants to get married at Christmas, we’ll list 5 reasons why it’s a good idea. The first point refers to the atmosphere: during this time, you can benefit from the typical festive mood, with snowy landscapes and warm houses. Those elements, together with colored lights, represent the perfect frame for a wedding.

5 fundamental tips for getting married at Christmas
The budget
Another point to consider is certainly the budget. It’s necessary to think about all the costs a wedding involves before getting started. Everyone knows their limits and has to fit everything they need in the budget. An advantage of getting married in December is a low budget: in winter everything costs less, especially the location.
Choice of the date
A fundamental point is choosing a date. Sometimes the couple isn’t sure about the date, but during Christmas time, there are several days that are suitable for a wedding. At Christmas people like staying with their family and a wedding is great for gathering all together. There are couples who even choose to get married on New year’s eve.
Clothes’ material
Winter is appreciated for the variety of cloths available. The bride can choose her dream dress, being original and creative, with beautiful styles and accessories. The trend is lace and velvet. You can wear a high-necked long-sleeved dress, or a fluffy skirt with pointy shoes. Another important element is accessories. In this case, you have a lot of possibilities among shrugs, necklaces, coats and so on.. Guests as well can show off long dresses with jewels and fancy shrugs. The key word is elegance.
Choice of food
Christmas weddings are particularly appreciated for their food. During this time you can choose a rich menu with tasty dishes, vegetable creams and soft desserts. The selection is wide and everyone can enjoy it. The majority of people who gets married at Christmas chooses chocolate sugared almonds or aromatic teas. By the way, the best wedding planners say that a Christmas wedding is certainly an unforgettable event.